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Monster Bishop protected by Pope. Full text of explosive document from 2019.

Cathcon:  Two questions arise from the article below and the translation of the document. 1) Why is international media not giving the highest priority to investigating the systematic cover-up of abuse by Pope Francis? 2) Why does the Pope not follow the example of his pious predecessor and resign.  Never has there been a more ignorant, weak and malign Pope in history.  He said at the beginning of his reign, he wanted to make a mess and what a mess he has made.  Pray God that his successor can begin to restore the damage and with God's grace, he will. New document in the Zanchetta case complicate the Church's case The Vatican was aware of the allegations against the ex-bishop before giving him a position, they say, and he is accused of abuse and commercial mismanagement with the Pope's "endorsement". Internal Church documents show that Church authorities, including Pope Francis, were aware of allegations of sexual abuse and economic mismanagement against the now e

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